Monday, 16 September 2013

Three local companies show interest in leasing Coco Islands

Three local companies are interested in leasing the Coco Islands to operate recreational resorts, according to a local resident.

Located 260 miles south of Yangon, the Coco Islands are two islands in the northeastern Indian Ocean under the Yangon Region. As their beautiful scenery and unexploited natural resources suggest high potential for ecotourism, local companies are eager to build tourist resorts and attractions.

“The companies that want to operate recreational resorts have been making field trips to the island, especially those who want to make joint operations with foreign companies,” said the resident, who has been living on the Coco Islands for nearly 40 years and asked not to be named.

“The people who came to visit the island are from the local companies. We want these kind of recreational resorts to be opened on the island. Only then will tourism development improve and the transportation infrastructure be upgraded.”

These companies intend to offer pick-up and drop-off services from Yangon to the Coco Islands, according to the resident.

The Ministry of Transportation is now expanding the existing airfield on the Big Coco Island from the existing 4,500 feet to 5,000 feet after paying compensation for houses and land in the area. The ministry is also planning to build harbours.

Not everyone is enthusiastic about the recreational resorts. Some residents worry that the islands’ natural resources will inevitably be exploited by tourist development.

Companies that want to operate the projects must submit proposals to the central government through the Yangon Regional Government.

About 1,000 people live on the Coco Islands, most of them government employees.

source: Eleven Myanmar

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