Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Myanmar sees spike in Western European tourist arrivals

Western European tourist arrivals in Myanmar have increased by more than 20,000 this year, according to the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.

Between January 1 and September 5, a total of 452,660 tourists arrived at Yangon International Airport, the country’s main international hub. Among them, 90,072 came from Western Europe. During the same period last year, 69,135 Western European tourists visited Myanmar.

Among Western European visitors, French and British tourists are at the top. So far this year, 20,031 French tourists and 18,041 British tourists have visited Myanmar.

Increases are also reported this year for the number of tourists from Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, and Austria. As of September 5, the only decrease was in the number of Spanish tourists.

From Eastern Europe, 5,619 tourists have visited Myanmar this year, according to the figures. The number of Russian tourists has decreased during the period.

Myanmar’s tourism industry relies primarily on Asian visitors. As of September 5, a total of 298,398 Asian tourists had arrived at Yangon International Airport this year.

As the main international gateway to the country, Yangon International Airport receives an average of 1,800 travelers a day.

Myanmar’s Ministry of Hotels and Tourism expects the total number of foreign tourists to hit 1.5 million in 2013, and two million in 2014.

source: Eleven Myanmar

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