Monday, 16 September 2013

Authorities to construct car parcades to ease traffic pressure

With Yangon region facing increasing traffic problems and a lack of parking spaces, the government is aiming to ease some of the pressure with car parcades, according to Yangon Region chief minister Myint Swe.

“We have invited and spoken with foreign investors to construct car parcades. Building them with elevators is unlikely, due to the uncertainty of providing electricity. But the multi-level parcades we are planning will be easily accessible. The main problem we are facing is traffic,” the prime minister said.

Moreover, the regional government is thinking about banning car parking on roads to ease traffic. It will submit the plan to Yangon region parliament.

“Yangon region has an increasing numbers of cars and there is not enough parking to accommodate them,” said one local businessman. “The drivers are parking their cars wherever they find a place and are making the traffic jams worse than ever. We are afraid to go out with our car every day because our precious time is consumed in traffic jams.”

Vehicles from other states and regions come to Yangon because the Yangon region is a business hub, and this has led to an increase in the number of cars in the city.

source: Eleven Myanmar

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