Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and
deep sea port project was started in 2008 attracting criticism and
objections from local communities and civic organisations. One of the
focuses of this attention was the inclusion of coal plants as a means
for supplying electricity.
"Our country need to construct coal
plants to generate power to fulfil the needs of electricity. For that
reason, Japan is needed to join the giant project as a strategic
partner," said Thura Thaung Lwin, chairman of the Dawei Management
After initial concerns about the Dawei
project, Japan is currently investing in the Thilawa Special Economic
Zone Project at President Thein Sein's invitation.
An invitation letter signed by ministers
from Myanmar and Thailand was officially sent to Japan on April 24 to
encourage them to invest in the Dawei SEZ. A follow-up tripartite
meeting including Myanmar, Thailand and Japan was held in Thailand on
June 17.
"The next tripartite meeting will be
organised by Thailand. Nothing is known yet. Our invitation to Japan is
meant not for investment in the project but for a third country to be a
strategic partner to manage the profit sharing," said deputy minister
Hset Aung of National Planning and Economic Development.
The construction of two natural gas
plants and a coal plant project is to be completed by 2015 to fulfil the
electricity needs for the Dawei project.
source: Eleven Myanmar
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