Friday, 8 November 2013

Myanmar Medical Association construction plan was automatically revoked—YCDC

According to City authorities, a recent controversial plan to build a high-rise business tower at the compound of the Myanmar Medical Association (MMA) was automatically cancelled due to code violations.

The Yangon City Development Council has set two restricted zones for construction of high-rise buildings near Shwedagon Pagoda, one of Myanmar’s most famous landmarks.

If construction companies are to build commercial buildings inside of restricted zones, the official limited height for Zone (1) is no more than 62 feet and in Zone (2) no more than 190 feet above sea level.

Sources say that some central executive committee members of the MMA planned with foreign companies to build a tower 40 storeys or higher at the compound, without the consent of all members, arguing that the building was in the Association’s best interests.

The building project fell under the Zone (2) category, as it would be situated at the corner of Kanyeikthar Road and Thane Phyu Road, very close to the pagoda.

At the companies’ request, the executive members kept the plan secret from the beginning, sources say. But earlier this year, local journals reported that a high-rise commercial building would be built at the compound, sparking a storm of protest by members, including some member doctors who wrote articles protesting against the plan.

Members opposed to the plan formed a temporary committee to protect the land and building owned by the MMA. However, the executive committee is still working to implement the plan despite the many letters of protest it has received from members.

Dr Myint Thaung, general secretary for the MMA, said at a recent press conference that the association would invite foreign companies (but not local firms) to implement the plan according to the rules and regulations of the Myanmar Investment Commission, but only if most members or representatives agreed to the plan.

source: Eleven Myanmar 

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