Friday, 8 November 2013

CAT co-hosts Myanmar Connect 2013

CAT Telecom (CAT) co-hosted the Myanmar Connect 2013, to demonstrate its prominence in Thailand's telecommunications business and support its future business expansion plan. improvement as well as CAT's expanding coverage area in the future," Dr. Dhanant said.

Warut Wiwatthanawongsa, assistant to vice president, Market Development, also joined the confereAnchornce "Evaluation of the Voice Market and International Transit Demand in Myanmar". CAT also set up a booth, along with several telecommunication leaders worldwide.

"Myanmar Connect 2013 is Asia's significant event that unites telecommunication providers, creating the opportunities for business information exchange for Myanmar's telecommunication market. The event was attended by key persons of Myanmar's telecommunication business as well as executives from leading international partners. Thus, CAT, a primary telecommunication provider of Thailand with our long-term expertise of more than thirty years in the business, decided to co-sponsor the event," said Dr. Dhanant.

He said that the event would result in the sharing of business and technology know-how, necessary for business expansion. CAT also obtained valuable information from the event, to improve its services and prepare for the international market level competition.

source: The Nation 

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