Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Media Release On Myanmar Series Event 2013

A press conference was held in Yangon, 11 January 2013, between Sphere Conferences and the Republic of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UMFCCI)

Private business sector in Myanmar taking the leading role in the country’s development of urban development, banking and finance, as well as logistics and supply chain sectors 

Yangon, 11 January 2013– Sphere Conferences and the Republic of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UMFCCI) today announced that they will jointly organise a series of industry-specific investment conferences showcasing investment opportunities in the urban development, banking and finance as well as logistics and supply chain sectors starting from May 2013.
The three conferences are -

Ø Myanmar Urban Development Conference ( 6 to 8 May 2013)


Ø Myanmar Banking and Finance Conference (27 to 29 May 2013)

Ø Myanmar Logistics and Supply Chain Conference (16 – 18 September 2013)

UMFCCI has identified the banking, logistics and supply chain as well as urban development as key sectors that require foreign investment as Myanmar seeks to modernise economy to cope and thrive in the 21st century.
Sphere Conferences is the conference arm of Singapore Press Holdings, the country’s leading multimedia group which publishes newspapers such as The Straits Times, its flagship English-language newspaper and one of the region’s oldest and most established newspaper.

UMFCCI stands as a national level non-governmental organization representing and safeguarding the interest of private business sector. With a vast network of chambers and trade associations affiliated, UMFCCI is acting as a bridge between the State and the private sector.It is a member of the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ASEAN-CCI), the (BIMST-EC),Greater Mekong Subregion Business Forum (GMS-BF), and Joint Economic Quadrangle Committee (JEQC). It has also played a key role in the formulation of the recently updated version of the Foreign Investment Law in Myanmar.

This announcement was made during the signing ceremony between Sphere Conferences and UMFCCI held at the Sedona Hotel in Yangon this morning. It was attended by more than 60 people, comprising policy makers from the various ministries and government authorities such as the Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Finance and Revenue, Ministry of Commerce, Central Bank, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Rail Transportation, Yangon City Development Committee and Mandalay City Development Committee. The venue was kindly sponsored by Keppel Land Hospitality Management as a gesture of support to the development of Myanmar.

Dr. Maung Maung Lay, Vice-President of UMFCCI said: “Myanmar is transforming into a modern country, and we seek foreign participation in these industrial sectors. We are happy to partner with Sphere Conferences for the upcoming conferences, which will profile the country’s key sectors such as, urban planning, banking and logistics. I believe the conferences will foster valuable partnerships between the local authorities and international business partners. With our re-engagement with the international community, we aim to grow and develop Myanmar as a country that is both socially and economically attractive.”

Mr. Chua Wee Phong, Chairman of Sphere Conferences, said: “With the Myanmar government projecting an average GDP growth of 7.7% by 2015 – 2016, we are positive of the country’s prospects and the investment opportunities it offers to foreign investors. Through our partnership with UMFCCI, we will create dynamic platforms for the public and private sectors in Myanmar to network with the foreign investors.This will be the first step in developing Myanmar’s economy by equipping the conference delegates with the knowledge to make smarter and well-informed decisions about investing in Myanmar.”

For more information on how to participate in the above three conferences, please contact Ms. Nann Thi ThiTun at (65) 6848 5371 or email her at
thithi@sphereconferences.com or visit the website http://www.sphereconferences.com/

For media enquiries, please contact:

Ms. Nann Thi Thi Tun

Marketing Executive

Sphere Conferences

Tel: +65 6848 5371


Ms. Karin Lee

Senior Marketing Manager

Sphere Conferences

Tel: +65 6848 6054

Email: karin@sphereconferences.com

Mr. Yeo Siew Chi


Corporate Communications

Singapore Press Holdings

Tel: +65 6319 1586


source: SPHERE Media Release

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