Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Myanmar -- United States Trade Council Calls For Duty-Free Treatment For Imports From Myanmar

— /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Myanmar- United States Trade Council today released a report, "Why the United States Should Grant Generalized System of Preferences Duty-Free Treatment to Myanmar," which calls upon President Obama to grant duty-free treatment for Myanmar for its imports to the United States under its Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).

The report contains research from the Council's most recent visits to Myanmar, and provides compelling evidence that Myanmar now satisfies the criteria for duty-free treatment, including recent labor reforms, the lack of a competitive threat from Myanmar to the United States, and the powerful signal it would send that the United States appreciates the significant progress that Myanmar has made towards greater democracy and human rights.

"We have been visiting and studying Myanmar with a 'boots on the ground' approach  since 2009," said Robert A. Knutson, the Chief Executive Officer of the Council, "and we have never been as optimistic about its future.  Providing GSP treatment for Myanmar will improve its relationship with the United States, and provide momentum towards political and economic reform."

source: Hearld Online

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